Scenic Views

Today is day 23 for Griff on the AT.

Griff has made it past the 150 mile marker and now, currently in NC. Starting to make his way into the Smokies. I don’t have any new updates as far as journal entries go. He has very limited service to send stuff, but this week I did receive a photo dump of his trek through NC.

For those keeping up and asking about him, thank you so much for the support! This journey is a strange one, but interesting for sure. Emotions are high on both fronts, from the trail and at home. I am very thankful for the support system we each have, from our wonderful family and friends, and the awesome group he has met on his hike. I don’t know how we would do this without any of you.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Eyvonne manning

    Thinking of you today and hoping your having a n awesome journey.

  2. Becky Beamer

    Happy Easter Kevin! 🐣🌷🐇❤️

  3. Robin Stowers

    Pics are phenomenal! Carry on young man!

    Friend of yo momma…

  4. Teresa Rinker

    Congratulations friend; hell of a journey you are on!! Bryan and I read your updates, glad you are doing well!! Keep up the awesome work and stay safe

  5. Randy metier

    Hope you’re staying dry and keeping it real!!

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